Spiritual Counseling Riverhead NY

There exists within you

An Undiscovered Splendor



The Heart That Hurts

The Soul That's Searching

The Student Who's Seeking

...and sometimes, you just need someone to talk to

Reverend J Christopher Goulding, B.Div

Ordained Non-Denominational Minister Serving the East End of Long Island New York


All experience has shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. (Thomas Jefferson et al, The Declaration of Independence.) In other words, until it hurts so much that you absolutely can no longer bear it, you are not likely to try to change. You may try changing little things or modifying behavior, but you will not try to change. And I know you know what I mean. I am here to help.

Can you explain the concept of color to a blind person? Can you say blue is this, and red is that? Can you describe a gorgeous sunrise without framing it in terms of color? Of course not; there is simply no vocabulary.

And so too: "The natural person receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned." (I Corinthians, 2:14 )

But everyone, from before the beginning of time, has had a Spirit. You have a Spirit. Perhaps like most, you have become blinded to it by our material world, our wants, our fears. Your Spirit is there and ready. So listen:

"I stand at the door and knock..." (Revelation, 3:20)

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God..." (Matthew, 6:33)

"...Behold, the kingdom of God is within you." (Luke, 17:21)

These fragments present much about me; in fact, they tell my story.

I cannot say how or why you came to this site, but I know it was not by accident. And the process which began even with this very small step will, if you persist, remake your being.

(I have tried to be very careful throughout this site to be non-denominational, non-religious, inclusive; those are my core beliefs. I want to help, and have been given the grace to be able to help. I know the word 'God' itself may turn some people away, and it is not the word I use in private times. I want to reassure everyone that any term or phrase you prefer to use is perfectly fine (Creative Intelligence, I, I AM, Infinite Invisible, Higher Power, Buddha, Jehovah, Yahweh etc). )


About Reverend Goulding
Yale University, B.A
Universal Brotherhood Movement, B.Div.